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Learn and Enjoy 21 December 2022
Hybrid vehicles: advantages and disadvantages What are the advantages of a hybrid vehicle? Compared to vehicles with just an internal combus...
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Learn and Enjoy 19 December 2022
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Learn and Enjoy 16 December 2022
  Electric tram running on rails An electric vehicle is a vehicle powered by an electric motor, regardless of size and purpose, that is po...
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electric car
Learn and Enjoy 15 December 2022
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The difference between a turbo engine and a regular engine
Learn and Enjoy 15 December 2022
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Learn and Enjoy 15 December 2022
  Types of cars in the world  Cars are divided into several types: Biodiesel cars:  This type of vehicle is used to transport goods, solids,...
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Learn and Enjoy 05 December 2022
 Compare diesel and battery The current situation (early 2011) shows that a car needs an amount of 30 kilograms of diesel to travel a distan...
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